Weedless Wednesday: Oxalis

One of the most difficult weeds to control is oxalis. This little “red clover” with a yellow flower loves the lawn and garden, particularly when the temperatures are hot. It is one of the most aggressive and persistent weeds that plagues homeowners. And unless you’re diligent in trying to eliminate this weed, it will continue…

Weedless Wednesday: Black Medic

Black medic is a common weed found in most lawns and gardens, but is often mistaken for clover. Black medic is a low-growing weed that grows between 4 inches to 2 feet long. The leaves can have a similar look to that of clover, but are not as rounded as a clover leaf. They are…

Weedless Wednesday: Common Groundsel

Today’s weed is a fairly common weed in your lawn, but many people are not familiar with its name. Groundsel — a winter annual — is found is several places, including lawns, gardens, pastures and planter boxes. Common groundsel seeds germinate in mid-spring and in autumn, flowering 5-6 weeks after seedlings emerge. Approximately 5-11 days…